CO2 – 10600nm
Diode CW/PW – 980nm
Radio Frequency
The SmartXide2 Revolution: Absolute Precision and Control for the Most Advanced Microsurgery The use of CO2 has considerably improved the performance of ENT microsurgery. Today CO2 laser is universally recognised as the gold standard for mininvasive ear, nose and throat applications. DEKA, a world leader in the development of high tech laser systems, concentrated over thirty years of expertise into the technological excellence of SmartXide2. The synergistic interaction of SmartXide2: – CO2 RF laser source with PSD® (Pulse Shape Design) technology, – high precision robotic scanning system (HiScan Surgical), – micromanipulator with exclusive Hybrid technology. provides unparalleled performance of ENT applications. In line with its ongoing commitment to innovation, DEKA paved the way for a new, multidisciplinary, avant-garde laser system: the SmartXide2 now featuring a diode laser module with power up to 50W. This modularity makes it the onlyworldwide CO2 laser platform.
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