Nd:YAG QS – 1064nm
Nd:YAG KTP QS -532 nm
Nd:YAG Dye QS – 650nm
Nd:YAG Dye QS – 585nm
The tattoos trend is gaining in popularity (especially in western countries) among adolescents and young adults. But the request for tattoo removal has increased regularly in recent years, becoming a relevant medical problem. The reasons are social and linked to the need to identity affirmation, reason that can change during the growing up.
In the past, various methods have been attempted, but are associated with high scarring risk and unsatisfactory results. The advent of Q-switched lasers has made tattoo removal easier and with great success, becoming today, the best solution for treating any kind of tattoo (professionals, amateur, cosmetic and traumatic). Q-switched laser is also successfully used in treating benign pigmented lesions (ageing spot, freckles, Ota’s Nevus, Ito or Hori’s Nevus).

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