Effortless and Progressive Muscle Strengthening and Retraining Through Neuromuscular Stimulation
TOP FLAT Stimulation = Effectiveness and Comfort
Tailored training programs to treat every patients
Ergonomic handpieces that adapt to the various parts of the body.

A Strong Stimulation that Boosts Strong Benefits.
Schwarzy uses TOP FMS Magnetic Stimulation technology that interacts with the muscular tissues, inducing intense contractions. It acts on different body areas and in just a few sessions increases muscles tone and volume, improving the posture. The Schwarzy training program is indicated for resumption or strengthening of physical activity by level of physical condition: Aerobic (for untrained subjects), Shaping (for subjects who do not perform regular physical activity) and Strength (for fit subjects).
3 PADS Designed for Maximum Comfort (Patent pending)
The pads are ergonomic and were developed to adapt to and interact in an excellent way with the area treated.
3 Different Shaped PADS: FLAT – CURVE – ELLIPSE
FLAT PAD : mainly suitable for upper legs/thighs and buttocks.
CURVE PAD mainly suitable for lower legs and forearm
ELLIPSE PAD mainly suitable for abdomen

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